
Wrought Iron History

Western world
    Wrought iron has been used for many centuries, and is the "iron" that is referred to throughout Western history. The other form of iron, cast iron, was in use in China since ancient times but was not introduced into Western Europe until the 15th century; even then, due to its brittleness, it could be used for only a limited number of purposes. Throughout much of the Middle Ages iron was produced by the direct reduction of ore in manually operated bloomeries, although waterpower had begun to be employed by 1104.

    The raw material produced by all indirect processes is pig iron. It has a high carbon content and as a consequence it is brittle and could not be used to make hardware. The osmond process was the first of the indirect processes, developed by 1203, but bloomery production continued in many places. The process depended on the development of the blast furnace, of which medieval examples have been discovered at Lapphyttan, Sweden and in Germany.

   The bloomery and osmond processes were gradually replaced from the 15th century by finery processes, of which there were two versions, the German and Walloon. They were in turn replaced from the late 18th century by puddling, with certain variants such as the Swedish Lancashire process. Those, too, are now obsolete, and wrought iron is no longer manufactured commercially.

    During the Han dynasty, new iron smelting processes led to the manufacture of new wrought iron implements for use in agriculture, such as the multi-tube seed drill and iron plough. In addition to accidental lumps of low-carbon wrought iron produced by excessive injected air in ancient Chinese cupola furnaces. The ancient Chinese created wrought iron by using the finery forge at least by the 2nd century BC, the earliest specimens of cast and pig iron fined into wrought iron and steel found at the early Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD) site at Tieshengguo.Pigott speculates that the finery forge existed in the previous Warring States period (403–221 BC), due to the fact that there are wrought iron items from China dating to that period and there is no documented evidence of the bloomery ever being used in China.The fining process involved liquifying cast iron in a fining hearth and removing carbon from the molten cast iron through oxidation. Wagner writes that in addition to the Han Dynasty hearths believed to be fining hearths, there is also pictoral evidence of the fining hearth from a Shandong tomb mural dated 1st to 2nd century AD, as well as a hint of written evidence in the 4th century AD Daoist text Taiping Jing.

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马来西亚私会党意即黑帮,三合会或黑社会组织。早期有著名的义兴公司和海山公司。私会党传入马来亚,也是与中国移民同一时期。根据巴素博士说:“马来亚华人私会党,大体来说,出于天地会分脉,亦称为洪门或三合会,在中国已生存有好几个世纪,原本属于宗教或慈善自助的团体,而在满清时,具有‘反清复明’的政治意识。”又有些源自青帮。 早期   此类秘密社会,其入会仪式、伦理规范、人际关系,均类似帮会,但数量众多。单在槟城即有义兴公司(大约1799年)、和胜公司(1810年)、海山公司(1823年)、存心公司(1820年)、建德堂(大伯公会,1844年)、和合社(1860年代初)、全义社(1860年代初)与义福公司(约1875 年)等。它们多以地缘和方言群为组织脉络,展开活动。至1881年,义兴、建德、和胜、存心、义福和海山六大秘密会社的党员人数,约占当时华族总人口的69%,或男性人口的84.6%4。人数如此之多,当然不能称为“秘密社会”,而就是“社会”了。只因其入会仪式、行事做风,与帮派会党相似,故一般仍以秘密社会或私会党来称呼。其实这些私会党几乎完全与地域方言团体叠合。   他们的初期组织结构是:海山与义兴,成立于槟榔屿,马六甲和新加坡三个海峡殖民地,之后散布各个马来土邦各处,初期为同乡互助福利团体,后演变互相争斗的帮派组织。会员均服从会中领袖的命令及约束。他们称其领袖为大哥,这些私会党分作四个、八个或十二个主要干部,然后分成许多支派,每个干部及每个支派,都有一位头目管理。   从唐山(中国)南来的移民,叫做“新客”,他们来到任何一个地方时,这些会便派人邀请他们入会,假如他们拒绝的话,便会受迫害。   由此可见,早期的华人结帮立会,在表面和名义上是讲求兄弟义气,有福共享,有难同当,但实际上却是领袖在培植势力,以向英殖民政府争取更大的利益。   在政治方面,他们是没有浓厚的倾向,虽然标榜“反清复明”,但在利益争夺底下,私会党已沦为争夺地盘的组织了。   尽管如此,英国人还是没办法控制他们,以致有人形容私会党组织是“政府中的政府”,俨然是马新华人的“统治者”。   1882年,英国殖民地政府修订法令后,不准私会党注册。1889年,明令取缔,但未能禁绝。   19世纪末至20世纪初,分化为洪门会和华记两大派。 现在   马来西亚私会党以洪门会各支派和华记为主。洪门会各支派从前分裂成大约有九...



马来西亚皇家警察 —— 警阶

马来西亚皇家警察(马来语:Polis Diraja Malaysia)是马来西亚的司法及治安单位,工作覆盖范围包括交通管治、犯罪调查以及镇暴等,一般的调查工作由警长指挥。皇家警察总部位于吉隆坡武吉阿曼。

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新山南区警察局 - 分布与联络

在马来西亚一般常规的警察局可分为3类,第一类:警察局,第二类:警亭,第三类:交通警察部,而其他的还有:证物厅,扣留所等等... 在新山的警察局分别由两个管辖区管辖


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